Clean-up of professional qualifications: the state does not allow enterprises to be "willful"

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 30th, by topic:Some similar "chicken ribs" certifications are still in progress-professional qualification cleaning and tracking

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter

  A few days ago, the State Council decided to cancel 47 professional qualifications such as property manager, market manager and flower arranging worker. So far, the State Council has cancelled 319 professional qualifications in six batches.

  However, according to a survey conducted by Xinhua Viewpoint, although some professional qualifications have been cancelled, there are still qualification examinations with similar names and types organized by different departments. Many job seekers are not sure whether they still need to take the examinations, and some enterprises still take the cancelled qualification certificates as the entry threshold.

  Almost all the qualification exams have left people "stupid and confused"

  The reporter learned that with the issuance of relevant national documents and the rapid implementation in various places, many qualification examinations have been cancelled.

  "We have cancelled the qualification examinations for flower arrangers and manicurists according to national documents." Occupational skill testing authority officials in Shandong, Jiangxi and other places said that all the qualifications cancelled by the state would not be tested again.

  Some job seekers also reported that in some places, some qualification examinations listed in the cancellation list are still in progress. For example, the country has previously cancelled the professional qualification of landscape architects, but some provinces clearly stated in the announcement that the landscape architect exam was held in May.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, the country cancelled the certification of landscape designers organized by China Building Decoration Association, while some provinces conducted the certification examination of landscape designers organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. In fact, although the certificates and accreditation methods are different, the qualifications of the two departments are similar, mainly including landscape design and greening planning. "In our industry’s view, the landscape architect certification functions and objectives of the two departments are basically the same, and the gold content is not high, which is of little significance in practical work, like chicken ribs." Wan Nan, a landscape architect from Dalian, said.

  The staff of a vocational skill appraisal station in Anhui introduced that whether the qualification examinations with similar or consistent names and organized by different departments are cancelled or retained depends on the understanding of each province.

  Similar situations are not uncommon. The accreditation of registered enterprise trainers organized by the National Development and Reform Commission was cancelled in 2014, but the accreditation of enterprise trainers organized by the human and social departments is still going on this year; The qualification certification of professional managers in China, which is in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission, was also cancelled in 2014, but the qualification certification of professional managers organized by entrepreneurs associations in china enterprise confederation and China still exists, and relevant training notices were issued in March this year.

  Some job seekers said that it is impossible to know which qualifications have been cancelled and which ones need to be tested. The relevant personnel of human and social departments in Anhui, Shandong, Jiangxi and other places interviewed by the reporter said that there are many departments that organize the implementation of vocational qualification licensing and accreditation in China, and various ministries and associations have many qualifications. Some staff members bluntly said: "It is impossible to figure out how many qualifications there are."

  "Some associations and departments are keen on organizing examinations and setting thresholds, partly because vocational qualification certificates are profitable from training and examinations to issuing certificates." A cadre of the human society department in Anhui Province said.

  The state does not allow enterprises to take the exam, but it still requires qualification certificates.

  It is understood that vocational qualification certificates are divided into two categories: access and level. Access certificate requires that you must hold a certificate, and the level class represents the level and business ability of the holder, and it is not required to hold such a certificate.

  However, during the interview, the reporter found that among the vocational qualifications that have been cancelled by the state, not only some entry qualifications are still regarded as entry conditions by some enterprises, but even the level certificates that are not entry thresholds have become entry "stepping stones".

  Although the qualification of the entry-level tenderers has been cancelled by the state, the reporter found on some recruitment websites that the recruitment requirements issued by many companies in Hunan and Zhejiang still clearly stated that "the professional qualification certificate of the tenderers must be available".

  The country has cancelled the qualification identification of access property manager, but the reporter called a real estate agency company in Wuhan in the name of applying for a property project manager. The staff said that job seekers must have relevant qualification certificates such as property manager.

  The barista organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the hotel waiter organized by the China Business Federation all belong to the level evaluation qualification certification. However, the reporter found that a company in Guangzhou requires job seekers to "hold a barista qualification certificate issued by the state" in their job descriptions, and hotels in Tianjin, Shaanxi, Liaoning and other places require waiters to bring hotel waiter qualification certificates during interviews.

  "In the face of a large number of job resumes, the qualification certificate is an important tool for enterprises to select talents quickly and effectively. If only one out of 20 people has a qualification certificate, then I will definitely choose him. " A person in charge of Nanchang Jialaite Peace International Hotel said, "It’s better to have a certificate than nothing, and whoever has a qualification certificate will definitely give priority to who."

  "The country has cancelled the qualification examination. Where can I take it?" "I didn’t send a resume when I saw a company that clearly stated that it needed a qualification certificate." For some "willful" requirements of enterprises, some job seekers in Jinan and Changchun expressed their helplessness.

  Continue to intensify the clean-up and standardize the development of the evaluation system of social institutions.

  In addition to cleaning up 319 professional qualifications, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security proposed that in the future, all newly established national professional qualifications should be reported to the human resources and social security department of the State Council for unified planning and management of national professional qualifications, and all regions and departments should not set up national professional qualifications by themselves.

  Hongchun Wang, a professor of labor and social security in anhui university of finance, and other experts believe that the state’s measures to cancel the license and recognition of professional qualifications in batches have played an obvious role in simplifying administration and decentralizing power and stimulating market vitality. However, in view of the phenomenon that some departments and associations set up qualification recognition indiscriminately for their own interests, we should continue to intensify the clean-up and make a "positive list" of professional qualifications as soon as possible.

  Cadres of the human and social departments in some areas said that relevant departments and associations should conduct self-examination and self-correction according to the vocational qualification certification items that have been cancelled by the state, take the initiative to cancel the qualification certification that is similar to or even the same as its content, and consciously reduce duplicate identification and "chicken ribs" identification. Provincial and municipal departments of human resources and social security should also take the initiative to stop setting relevant examinations. At the same time, guide enterprises to adapt to policy changes, no longer set invisible thresholds, but select talents in a more scientific and effective way. Relevant enterprises that obviously violate state regulations should be given necessary disciplinary warning.

  Wang Zhongwu, a professor of sociology at Shandong University, said that certain departments must not be reluctant to "cash cow", so that qualification recognition becomes a stumbling block to "double innovation". "For pharmacists, teachers and other occupations with greater responsibilities or public interests, as well as the level evaluation of taxation, accounting and other social needs, the reservation should be retained."

  Hongchun Wang and others suggested that we can learn from foreign advanced experience for some level evaluation with large demand, give full play to the role of the market and social organizations, support and encourage the cultivation of a number of accreditation organizations with high degree of specialization and strong credibility, and establish a scientific and effective third-party evaluation accreditation system. (Reporter Meng Hanqi, Yuan Junbao, Chen Nuo, Wu Huiying)