China Social News article: The ins and outs of the 100 million yuan prize.

  A stone stirs up a thousand waves. Recently, a lottery winner in Gansu won the 100 million yuan prize for the two-color ball, and successfully redeemed all the 113 million yuan prize money at the provincial welfare lottery distribution center in Lanzhou on December 3, setting a record for single winning in the history of lottery in China. What kind of lottery game is a two-color ball? How can the two-color ball bonus be as high as 100 million yuan? How did the billion-dollar prize come into being? A series of question marks aroused people’s extensive interest and even raised doubts about it. Therefore, China Social News reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center.

  What kind of lottery game is a two-color ball?

  Two-color ball is a double-zone lottery lottery suitable for China’s national conditions, which is scientifically designed, improved and innovated by China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center based on the successful issuance experience of foreign lottery tickets. Approved by the Ministry of Finance, it was listed and issued on February 16th, 2003. Two-color ball adopts double-zone betting, and each bet is 2 yuan. The bettor needs to select 6 or more of the 33 red ball numbers and 1 or more of the 16 blue ball numbers at the same time to form a bet. If the number selected by the buyer is exactly the same as the number shaken during the lottery, the first prize will be won.

  Lotto lottery has the characteristics of large number of small prizes and high prize amount. Because it has a prize pool, the prize pool amount generally determines the prize amount. Therefore, with the increase of the prize pool, it is easy to arouse the interest of lottery buyers and promote the increase of sales. Recently, a lottery ticket in Germany has accumulated more than 38 million euros (more than 400 million yuan), which attracted German lottery players to snap up lottery tickets for this reason. It is precisely because of this feature and charm that lottery tickets are popular all over the world. At present, it accounts for about 42% of the world lottery sales, making it the most common and mainstream lottery variety. As a lottery ticket, the two-color ball has been increasingly favored by lottery players in China since its listing in 2003, and its weekly sales volume has increased from about 10 million yuan at first to about 450 million yuan at present. Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume has exceeded 17 billion yuan, and nearly 6 billion yuan of social welfare fund has been raised for the country. A total of 470 notes were won in the first prize of 5 million yuan, which is the most popular lottery game with the highest sales volume in China color market.

  How can the winning amount of two-color ball be as high as 100 million?

  The two-color ball is a kind of lottery ticket, but it has different characteristics from foreign general lottery tickets, mainly because the grand prize amount is capped at 5 million yuan. In other words, no matter how much the prize pool accumulates, the amount of the single-note prize must not exceed 5 million yuan. However, although the grand prize is capped, lottery players also have the opportunity to get higher bonuses. When the prize pool is high, some lottery players will adopt the method of one-bet multi-investment, that is, choose a group of numbers and buy lottery tickets with the same number of 2 bets, 5 bets and 10 bets. The higher the prize pool, the more bets they buy the same number. Although more money is invested in one bet, the amount spent is not much. For example, the winner of the 100 million yuan grand prize only spent 40 yuan. Therefore, this betting method is often adopted by lottery players, but it occasionally works. Over the past four years, 56 people across the country have won more than two prizes through the method of one bet and more votes. A lottery player in Heilongjiang made a 15-fold bet on four groups of numbers, and won the first prize of 15 notes in the 2007119 issue of the two-color ball, with a total prize of more than 65 million yuan; At the betting station No.13150026, Smurfs Internet Cafe, Haigang Development Zone, Laoting County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, a lottery player named Liu won 105 million yuan with two single tickets with five times bet, and won a total prize of 50 million yuan; Mr. Wang from Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province won the first prize with a 6-fold "7+2" double ticket, with a total prize of more than 30 million yuan.

  According to the rules of the two-color ball game, if no one wins the first prize in the current period, the first prize will be rolled into the next period. If many periods are missed or the number of winning bets is small, the prize pool amount will be accumulated to a higher amount. November 27, 2007, is the lottery day of two-color ball lottery. The current prize pool has accumulated to 120 million yuan, which has also caused a sensation in the market. Many people are eager to try and win the grand prize by means of one injection and more investment. It is not surprising that a lottery player in Gansu made a bet of 20 times the amount of 40 yuan on the afternoon of November 27th. His goal is to win the first prize of 20-note two-color ball, and the prize pool at that time can also satisfy his desire to get a prize of 20-note 5 million yuan, totaling 100 million yuan.

  How did the 100 million yuan bonus come about?

  The time for the two-color ball lottery is 8: 45pm every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, and the lottery is held three times a week. The lottery is broadcast live on TV (with a delay of 30 seconds) and the program lasts for 8 minutes, which is broadcast on China Education Television CETV-1.

  According to the computer room of Gansu Welfare Lottery Distribution Center, at 14: 48 on November 27, the winner bought a double ticket with a note of "6+16", that is, six red numbered balls were selected, namely 6, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 22, which were combined with 1- 16 blue numbered balls to make a 32 yuan. At 14: 51, another group of numbers (6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22 in red and 6 in blue) was selected from the 16 groups of numbers just purchased, and 20 bets were purchased. These two lottery tickets are normal bets and entered the database of Gansu Welfare Lottery Center. At 20 o’clock that night, the sales of Gansu Fucai two-color ball ended, and at the same time, the public began to enter the live broadcast of the two-color ball lottery in Beijing; At 20: 10, the audience will select the lottery balls for the current period (there are 4 sets of lottery balls in total, and 2 sets will be selected in the current period, one for the positive selection and one for standby); At 20: 15, under the supervision of the notary, the staff opened the safe and took out the selected two sets of lottery balls; At 20: 20, the notary and the staff jointly put the current lottery ball into the lottery machine; At 20: 45, the lottery began; At 20: 50, the lottery numbers of the current period were generated: red ball numbers 6, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 22, and basketball number 6. Subsequently, the notary delivered a notarized speech. At this point, the current lottery number is generated. At 20: 55, the lottery number was signed and sealed and sent to the provincial centers by fax; At 21: 10, after receiving the fax of the lottery number, Gansu Provincial Center conducted data retrieval according to the conventional procedure.The search results show that there are 21 first prizes in Jiayuguan No.62020119 betting station, of which 20 bets are multiple bets, and the 100 million yuan prize is generated.

  The government management department requires that lottery agencies have the responsibility to keep the personal information of the winners confidential and shall not disclose it to the public without the consent of the winners themselves. Lottery agencies must obtain the consent of the winners in advance before arranging media interviews with the winners. When the winner of the 100 million yuan prize in Gansu contacted the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province to receive the prize, the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province asked the winner whether he would accept media interviews, and the winner clearly stated that he would "resolutely not accept media interviews". Therefore, the Welfare Lottery Center of Gansu Province did not arrange the media to interview the winners when they received their prizes, which was handled in accordance with relevant regulations. It is also inappropriate for the media to question the lottery institutions or the winners who acted in accordance with the regulations without directly interviewing the winners.

  Since 2005, there have been lottery players, betting station salesmen and journalists from all over the country, and the general scale is about 50 people. At present, more than 11,000 people have been received at the lottery site. On November 27th, a delegation of 44 members of the public from Chongqing "Approaching the Two-color Ball" arrived in Beijing, watched the whole process of the 2007139th live lottery of China Welfare Lottery, and took a group photo at the lottery site as a souvenir, witnessing the birth of the 100 million yuan prize of the two-color ball.

  China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center emphasizes that lottery is a lucky game, and each lottery is an independent random event. The winning numbers are randomly generated, and the lottery is irregular. All odd or even lottery numbers are possible, and 17 odd or even numbers have been generated in the past. And always advocate lottery friends to buy lottery tickets, give love, do what they can, make rational bets, buy lottery tickets with an entertaining attitude, and treat winning with a peaceful attitude. Winning is a kind of luck, and not winning is also a contribution to social welfare.


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Editor: Zhu Zhen