Cheng Siwei: It is misleading for real estate to be selected for industrial revitalization planning.

  According to media reports, Cheng Siwei revealed that the real estate industry has been included in the top ten industrial revitalization plans in the State Council. In this regard, the reporter of Economic Half-hour interviewed Cheng Siwei exclusively this morning. He told reporters that when he gave a class to students, he said that he had expounded his concern about the real estate revitalization plan based on relevant reports, but the media completely ignored this premise and misled his meaning when quoting him.

  Cheng Siwei: The selection of real estate for revitalization planning is misleading.

  (Reporter: Yan Wenyu, Gu Ping, Xiong Manlin, Jia Yujia Camera: Shen Yan, Xu Sheng, Zhang Xiaoming)

  Yesterday, the headlines of many websites were all the same news. It was reported that the real estate industry had occupied the last place in the State Council’s top ten industrial restructuring and revitalization plans. As soon as the news came out, various media and websites reprinted it one after another. The real estate sector in the stock market was also on the move, and a large amount of funds flowed into real estate stocks. At the same time, controversy and opposition were endless.

  Let’s take a look at our follow-up report on this matter.

  Yesterday, on several well-known domestic portals, the news that "real estate has entered the top ten industrial revitalization plans" suddenly made headlines. At the same time, when searching for two keywords "real estate" and "revitalization plans" through search engines, almost all major websites reported or reprinted it, attracting countless eyeballs.

  On January 2nd this year, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council said that the State Council was studying the adjustment and revitalization plan of ten important industries. Subsequently, eight industrial revitalization plans for automobiles, steel, textiles, equipment manufacturing, ships, electronic information, light industry and petrochemicals were reviewed and approved in principle by the the State Council executive meeting. During this period, the non-ferrous metal revitalization plan has been initially approved by the State Council. So which industry will be selected into the tenth industrial revitalization plan of the State Council is full of suspense.

  Yesterday, with the news that the real estate industry has caught the "last bus" of the top ten revitalization plans, the market quickly responded. In yesterday’s stock market, the net inflow of funds from the real estate sector topped the list. Real estate stocks not only floated across the board, but also hit an average growth rate of 4.64%, breaking the weak trend of real estate stocks since this round of market.

  However, after the closing yesterday afternoon, some media said that real estate was unlikely to be included in the revitalization plan, which made many investors feel extremely confused. Economic Half-hour reporter traced back to the news that "real estate has entered the top ten industrial revitalization plans", and found that the media that first reported the nine industrial revitalization plans were all Xinhua News Agency, and the sources were all the State Council executive meeting. This time, the media that first reported "real estate has entered the top ten industrial revitalization plans" was not Xinhua News Agency, nor was it the State Council, but quoted Cheng Siwei, former vice chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), at an academic forum last Saturday. It was reported that during the speech, Cheng Siwei

  So, did Cheng Siwei say that the real estate industry has really entered the top ten revitalization plans, and through what channels did he get the news? The Economic Half-hour reporter made an exclusive interview with Cheng Siwei this morning.

  Reporter: "Cheng Lao, I saw such a news on the Internet yesterday that real estate was included in the top ten industrial revitalization plans. So, stimulated by this news, real estate stocks also rose by 4.64% on average. I wonder if you have noticed this news?"

  Cheng Siwei: "I have seen it. In fact, I told them at that time that it was not news, and they wanted to quote it. They told me that the secretary had already posted it, so there was no way, but in fact, this was when I was giving lectures to my students, and it was not a public report."

  On Sunday, some media reported that Cheng Siwei revealed that the real estate industry has been included in the State Council’s top ten industrial revitalization plans, and Cheng Siwei’s photos were also used in the report, while Cheng Siwei told reporters that he talked about this matter when he was teaching students, not a press release.

  Reporter: "through what channels did you learn that this real estate industry has been written into the national industrial revitalization plan?"

  Cheng Siwei: "First of all, I saw the news released by Securities News on February 17th from People’s Daily Online. I also printed it out today. The headline of this news is called, officials of the Energy Bureau said that the energy industry revitalization plan was replaced by real estate planning. In addition, on People’s Daily Online, if you click on it, you can also see the real estate industry in the top ten industrial revitalization plans, so I, I personally got the information from this aspect."

  Reporter: "Besides this news on the Internet, do you have any other channels to confirm what you have seen?"

  Cheng Siwei: "It seems that I read on the Internet that on the 22nd, officials from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development also said that this was the case, because to be honest, as a scholar, I just expressed my views, and I can’t make any explanation on behalf of the government. This is just what I said on the basis of the published news, so I also said that it was reported that there was such a situation."

  The report on February 17th mentioned by Cheng Siwei is like this: "People from the National Energy Administration said that the plan to introduce another energy sector in addition to the nine major industry revitalization plans has been replaced by the relevant plans of the real estate industry"; The website mentioned by Cheng Siwei is a special page of People’s Daily about the revitalization plan of China’s top ten industries, which indicates a total of ten industries, and the real estate industry suddenly appears in it. However, unlike other reports on the revitalization plan, the so-called real estate revitalization plan has never heard from the the State Council executive meeting, and all the first reports are not from the news broadcast of Xinhua News Agency and China TV Station, but a media claimed that they were confirmed by an official of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction.

  Reporter: "Generally speaking, what is a channel and a formal channel for the release of such a plan?"

  Cheng Siwei: "As far as I know, the report is like this. He is planning one by one, first reviewed by the National Development and Reform Commission, and then submitted to the the State Council executive meeting for deliberation. Therefore, I think this procedure should be like this. Before the State Council officially passed, the content of the plan was impossible. Release."

  Reporter: "Take a look, this webpage is generally reported in this way. The topics are all called real estate listed in the top ten revitalization industries. Has it been confirmed?"

  Cheng Siwei: "Well, I don’t watch it. It’s inappropriate for him. In fact, at that time, I asked my secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to tell them that it was simply a hype, not news."

  Cheng Siwei said that when he was teaching students, he said that he expounded his concern about the real estate revitalization plan based on relevant reports, but the media completely ignored this premise and misled his meaning when quoting him.

  Reporter: "Do you think this presentation is your original intention?"

  Cheng Siwei: "I think this is a bit misleading, which is what I said just now. In fact, this news was announced on the 17th, and when I spoke, I said that I was giving lectures to students, so it was reported that this should be very clear. But because I have repeatedly said that I am now from the National People’s Congress, even if I am the vice chairman of the National People’s Congress, I don’t care about the government, and now I have retired from the post of vice chairman of the National People’s Congress, so what I am talking about now is all. Therefore, I think it is a matter of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Energy Bureau and the Ministry of Construction, so I think this report is not accurate. "